Coding is Cool

A Student's Journey

How Katie Couric Inspired My React Redux Project

The time had finally come, after months (and months) of learning and coding, to build my final project. This was my chance to show off everything I had learned up to this point, all the way from the beginning days of Ruby to the final days of React and Redux. And what a journey it has been! The only question that remained: What could I possibly create to showcase my newfound talents? As usual, Katie Couric had the answer.

Await, what?

I recently completed a Harry Potter Trivia project with a Rails API backend and a JavaScript frontend. The project had several moving parts, including a handful of fetch requests and chains on chains of then()s. When I finally finished the project I was feeling really good about the code, it seemed clean and easy to read. And then I heard that then() is no longer the preferred method to use when dealing with Promises. Ummm…excuse me? So you’re telling me my project that I just worked tirelessly on for months is not as cutting edge as I thought? Dang.

How Harry Potter Inspired My JavaScript Project

When it came time to start my JavaScript Project for Flatiron School, I’ll admit I was pretty lost. JavaScript still felt very confusing and foreign to me, so how was I supposed to develop an entire project with a JavaScript frontend? Up to this point, combining a project with one of my interests had proven to be pretty successful. Given my lack of confidence in JavaScript, I needed to pick an interest where my confidence was overflowing. I know what you’re all thinking. “Is this it? Is this the project where Ally incorporates Harry Potter?” If you’ve read the title of this post, then you’ll already know the answer is a resounding yes! After careful consideration, I decided to test (and develop) my JavaScript (and Harry Potter) knowledge by creating a Harry Potter Trivia game.

How Toy Story 4 Inspired My Rails Application Project

A few short months ago I saw a movie that changed my life. Toy Story 4 has it all. Love, friendship, life lessons, Forky. Never have I felt so many emotions in the span of an hour and 40 minutes. Well, at least not since I saw Toy Story 3. So it should come as no surprise to hear that several weeks after I saw the movie it was still on my mind. I was dying to tell anyone who would listen about the heartwarming tale. If only there was a way for me to share my thoughts and feelings on such a masterpiece with the world. I don’t know, like some sort of Rails application for movie reviews. Well, if no one else was going to create such a thing, I figured I may as well for my Rails project.

Shoulda Used Shoulda Matchers

“Dark and difficult code lies ahead. Soon, we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.” - Albus Dumbledore